Friday, May 22, 2009

National Register of Historic Places: Lesson Plans.

Created by National Park Service interpreters, preservation professionals, and educators, these lessons use historic sites to explore American history. All of the lessons are available free of charge. Browse the collection in four ways, each of which includes a short description of every lesson:
Time period;
National Standards for History;
Curriculum Standards for Social Studies.

Designed for middle school students learning history, social studies, geography, and other subjects, TwHP lessons include maps, readings, and photographs accompanied by questions.

Here is the curriculum kit about exploring our National Parks. There are also resources so you can create your own lessons.

Each TwHP lesson plan links both to relevant United States History Standards for Grades 5-12 and also to relevant Performance Expectations for Middle Grades from the national Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. For more information about the National Standards for History, please visit their website. To learn more about the national Standards for Social Studies, please visit the National Council for the Social Studies website.